Derbyshire Registrars Death Index

Author Various
Abbreviation Derbyshire Registrars Death Index


Number Title Type Call number
1 FindMyPast Electronic


  1. Burial of Thomas Adyman (1846)
    1. Birth of Thomas Addyman
      1. Addyman, Thomas (Primary)
    2. Burial of Thomas Adyman
      1. Addyman, Thomas (Primary)
    3. Addyman, Thomas
    4. Death of Thomas Adyman
      1. Addyman, Thomas (Primary)
  2. Burial of Jane Addyman (1840)
    1. Burial of Jane Addyman
      1. James, Jane (Primary)
    2. Birth of Jane James
      1. James, Jane (Primary)
    3. Death of Jane Addyman
      1. James, Jane (Primary)
    4. James, Jane