Leeds Grammar School Register 1820-1900

Abbreviation Leeds Grammar School Register 1820-1900


Number Title Type Call number
1 The Genealogist Electronic


  1. Page 225
    1. Addyman, Robert Law
    2. Law, Leah
    3. Cloth Finisher
      1. Law, Leah (Primary)
    4. Resides at 9 Haddon Place, Kirkstall Road, Burley
      1. Addyman, Robert Law (Primary)
    5. Birth of Robert Law
      1. Addyman, Robert Law (Primary)
    6. Stockbroker's Clerk
      1. Addyman, Robert Law (Primary)
    7. Resides at 22 Woodbine Place, Leeds
      1. Law, Leah (Primary)
      2. Addyman, Robert Law (Primary)