Newton, [Living]

Birth Name Newton, [Living]
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Newton, Jamesabout 1848
Mother Cooper, Margaretabout 1851about 1928-05-03
    Sister     Newton, [Living]
         Newton, [Living]
    Brother     Newton, [Living]
    Brother     Newton, [Living]
    Sister     Newton, [Living]
Addyman, Robert Kawoodbetween 1865-01-00 and 1865-03-00about 1930-02-26
Mother Cooper, Margaretabout 1851about 1928-05-03
    Half-brother     Addyman, Percy Newton 1893-03-09 1918-10-24


Family of Newton, [Living] and Stanley, [Living]

Married Wife Stanley, [Living] ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Newton, [Living]
Newton, [Living]
Newton, [Living]