Liverpool, Lancashire, England

City Liverpool
County Lancashire
Country England
Enclosed By
Place Encloses
Liverpool Maternity Hospital
Toxteth Park
West Derby
Walton Park
Great Nelson Street
St. Oswald’s Catholic Church
Burlington Street
Ford Cemetery
Rawsthorne Square
All Saints Church
St. Brigid’s Catholic Church
St. Sylvester’s Catholic Church
St. Nicholas' Church
Holy Trinity Church
St. Peter’s Church
Liffey Street
Wright Street
Raymond Street
Christ Church
Back Bittern Street
St. Thomas' Church
Parliament Street
St. Nicholas' Church
Old Hall Street
Denison Street
St. Matthias' Church
Knight Street
Vauxhall Road
Faulkner Street
Greenland Street
Lance Street
Spellow Lane
Scotland Road
Thornbridge Avenue
Pitville Avenue
Boundary Drive
Ashfield Street
Vescock Street
Eldon Street
Great Howard Street
Standish Street
Crompton Street
Goldsmith Street
St. James Street
Peller Street
Little Woolton Street
Desmond Street
Bridgewater Street
Smith Street
Bousfield Street
Stanley Road
Church Street
Athol Street
Smithdown Lane
Prescot Street
City Road
Roxburgh Street
Elphin Grove
Great Homer Street
Creswick Street
Ewbank Street
Havelock Street
Vanguard Street
Cockerell Street
Brownlow Hill
Low Hill
Mann Street
Northumberland Street
Dublin Street
Micawber Street
Harlow Street
Wellington Street
Park Lane
Arthur Street
Ledward Street
Edge Hill
Wainwright Street
Timpron Street
Dover Street
Walton Road
Old Roan
Kingsley Road


  1. Weatherilt, John (1790-06-21)
  2. Grace, Alice (1790-06-21)
  3. Weatherilt, Mary (1791-02-10)
  4. Weatherilt, John (1791-02-10)
  5. Grace, Alice (1791-02-10)
  6. Langton, Eliza (about 1797)
  7. Grace, Alice (1797-03-25)
  8. Weatherilt, Ellen (1797-03-25)
  9. Weatherilt, John (1797-03-25)
  10. Weatherilt, John (1799-01-05)
  11. Weatherilt, John Grace (1799-01-05)
  12. Grace, Alice (1799-01-05)
  13. Weatherilt, Samuel (1801-03-01)
  14. Weatherilt, John (1801-03-01)
  15. Grace, Alice (1801-03-01)
  16. Weatherilt, John (1805-03-18)
  17. Weatherilt, William (1805-03-18)
  18. Grace, Alice (1805-03-18)
  19. Grace, Alice (1807-06-28)
  20. Weatherilt, John (1807-06-28)
  21. Weatherilt, Samuel (1807-06-28)
  22. Weatherilt, Alice (1810-03-09)
  23. Grace, Alice (1810-03-09)
  24. Weatherilt, John (1810-03-09)
  25. Langton, William (about 1812)
  26. Weatherilt, Mary (1812-05-31)
  27. Weatherilt, John (1812-05-31)
  28. Grace, Alice (1812-05-31)
  29. Weatherilt, James (1815-04-29)
  30. Weatherilt, John (1815-04-29)
  31. Grace, Alice (1815-04-29)
  32. Blackham, Thomas (about 1827-11-04)
  33. Harrison, Mary Maria Jane (about 1830)
  34. Morton, John (1830-05-30)
  35. Weatherilt, Alice (1830-05-30)
  36. Harrison, Elizabeth (about 1831)
  37. Pennington, Charles (about 1833-08-18)
  38. Morton, William (about 1834)
  39. Pritchard, Elizabeth (about 1834)
  40. Langton, Charlotte Amelia (about 1834-05-04)
  41. Langton, John William (about 1836-03-20)
  42. Jump, James (1836-05-23)
  43. Sumner, Margaret (1836-05-23)
  44. Morton, Emily (about 1837)
  45. Addyman, John (1837-05-00)
  46. Blackburn, Hannah (1837-08-00)
  47. Addyman, John (1837-08-00)
  48. Blackham, Edwin (about 1838-12-07)
  49. Toshachs, Janet (about 1839)
  50. Addeman, Thomas (1839-06-18)
  51. Addeman, Joshua (1839-06-18)
  52. Fligg, Mary Ann (1839-06-18)
  53. Blackham, Charles (about 1839-12-00)
  54. Langton, Charles Edward (about 1841-02-00)
  55. Langton, Harriet J (about 1843)
  56. Morton, Sarah (about 1843)
  57. Addyman, Mary Ann (1844)
  58. Addyman, Hannah L (1844)
  59. Robinson, Maria (1844)
  60. Addyman, Thomas (1844)
  61. Jump, Ellen (about 1844)
  62. Pritchard, Mary (about 1845)
  63. Toshachs, Christina (about 1845)
  64. Morton, Ellen (about 1845)
  65. Blackham, Thomas (1845-07-22)
  66. Kent, Mary E (about 1846)
  67. Harrison, James (about 1847)
  68. Morton, Charles (about 1847)
  69. Bell, Martha Jane (between 1849 and 1851)
  70. Smith, Patrick (about 1850)
  71. Morton, John (about 1850-10-00)
  72. Jump, William (about 1852)
  73. Bell, Sarah Ann (about 1853)
  74. Smith, James (about 1853)
  75. Jones, William Henry (about 1853)
  76. Blackham, Edward Read (1854-01-03)
  77. Richards, Harriet Elizabeth (about 1855-09-02)
  78. Hamling, George (about 1856)
  79. Wright, Peter Garner (about 1857)
  80. Kirkland, Dianah (about 1859)
  81. Richards, Thomas Frederick (1859-02-15)
  82. Wilson, Thomas (1859-04-19)
  83. Family of Gallagher, Daniel and Smith, Mary Ann (between 1860-07-00 and 1860-09-00)
  84. Smith, Mary Ann (between 1860-07-00 and 1860-09-00)
  85. Gallagher, Daniel (between 1860-07-00 and 1860-09-00)
  86. Wilson, Mary (1861-04-03)
  87. Blackham, Richard (between 1861-10-00 and 1861-12-00)
  88. Blackham, Richard E (about 1862)
  89. Wilson, Michael (1863-03-13)
  90. Clark, William (about 1863-07-12)
  91. Gallagher, Margaret Ellen (1863-07-19)
  92. Langton, Ada (about 1866)
  93. O'Dowd, Mary Catherine (about 1866)
  94. Wilson, Julia (1866-12-15)
  95. Wilson, Mary (1866-12-15)
  96. Gallagher, Daniel (between 1869-04-00 and 1869-06-00)
  97. Clark, Sina (1878-08-26)
  98. Martin, Thomas Alexander (1878-11-02)
  99. Bozarth, Emma (1880-02-02)
  100. Richards, David (1880-09-12)
  101. Clark, Hannah (1880-11-02)
  102. Riley, Margaret Gertrude (about 1881)
  103. Millard, Emma Alice (between 1884-04-00 and 1884-06-00)
  104. Wilson, Mary Alicia (1884-06-30)
  105. Clark, Prudence (1885-02-15)
  106. Millard, Fanny Julia (between 1885-07-00 and 1885-09-00)
  107. Wilson, Joseph (1886-11-25)
  108. Millard, Amelia (between 1887-10-00 and 1887-12-00)
  109. Bozarth, Josiah (between 1888-07-00 and 1888-09-00)
  110. Greenwood, Marie (1889-06-01)
  111. Richards, William Charles (1889-06-21)
  112. Wilson, Julia (1889-09-03)
  113. Bozarth, Samuel Christopher (between 1890-07-00 and 1890-09-00)
  114. Millard, Deborah (1891-02-06)
  115. Wilson, Alexander (1891-12-30)
  116. Clark, Robert (1892-08-29)
  117. Wilson, Emma (1894-05-07)
  118. Law, Leah (1895-04-25)
  119. Clark, Arthur Morton (1896-09-02)
  120. Wilson, Margaret Ellen (1896-10-06)
  121. Clark, Florence May (1897-11-23)
  122. Cargill, John William David (1898-11-16)
  123. Wilson, Elizabeth (1899-04-30)
  124. Clark, Richard Whitehead (1899-12-27)
  125. Wilson, Mary Alicia (between 1901-04-00 and 1901-06-00)
  126. Addyman, William Ernest Henry (1901-06-27)
  127. Millard, William Charles (1901-08-10)
  128. Addyman, William Procter (1902-03-06)
  129. Jump, Ellen (between 1902-04-00 and 1902-06-00)
  130. Clark, Harry (1902-10-17)
  131. Wilson, Mary (1903-06-27)
  132. Gronback, Katherine (1903-12-09)
  133. Addyman, William Procter (1904-09-00)
  134. Addyman, Sydney (1905-05-30)
  135. Addyman, Edward Harold (1906-05-05)
  136. Clark, Lucy (1906-07-07)
  137. Addyman, John Hirst (between 1906-07-12 and 1913-09-00)
  138. Harrison, Mary Ann (1907-06-27)
  139. Clark, William (between 1908-04-00 and 1908-06-00)
  140. Dowling, Joseph Millard (between 1908-07-00 and 1908-09-00)
  141. Wilson, Thomas (1910-03-15)
  142. Gallagher, Margaret Ellen (1910-03-15)
  143. Addyman, Arthur (1910-04-19)
  144. Addyman, Thomas (1910-04-19)
  145. Addyman, Frederic Douglas (1910-07-07)
  146. Addyman, Lily (1910-08-02)
  147. Beckwith, Mary Ellen (1910-08-02)
  148. Addyman, Arthur (1911-06-06)
  149. Addyman, Sydney (1911-12-22)
  150. Addyman, Doris Eleanor (1912-03-13)
  151. Jackson, Grace Ellen (1912-03-13)
  152. Addyman, Sydney (1912-03-16)
  153. Addyman, John Hirst (between 1913 and 1917-02-14)
  154. Addyman, Frederic Douglas (1913-08-23)
  155. Addyman, Doris Helen (1914-07-04)
  156. Addyman, Doris Helen (1915-09-10)
  157. Addyman, Frederic Douglas (1915-11-08)
  158. Addyman, Charles (1920-11-29)
  159. Addyman, Charles (1921-03-01)
  160. Thornton, Alice (1922-03-11)
  161. Thornton, Alice (1922-04-03)
  162. Newman, Edith Mary (1922-10-28)
  163. Fludder, Eleanor Joyce (1922-10-28)
  164. Addyman, Lucy Ann (1923-11-09)
  165. Mather, Lucy Ann (1925-12-12)
  166. Addyman, George (1927-05-27)
  167. Clark, Ivy (between 1928-07-00 and 1928-09-00)
  168. Addyman, Frank (1928-08-17)
  169. Addyman, Frank (1928-11-09)
  170. Beckwith, Mary Ellen (1929-06-25)
  171. Beckwith, Mary Ellen (1929-09-07)
  172. Southern, Madeline (1929-10-13)
  173. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1930-04-01)
  174. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1930-09-16)
  175. Addyman, Kathleen Elizabeth (1933-08-12)
  176. Baber, Gordon Archibald (1933-08-12)
  177. Bentley, Eva (1934-04-24)
  178. Addyman, Charles (1934-07-27)
  179. Addyman, John Hirst (1935-06-12)
  180. Addyman, Edward Alfred (1935-06-12)
  181. Spence, Sarah Helen (1935-06-12)
  182. Greenwood, Marie (1937-06-05)
  183. Morton, Florence May (between 1937-07-00 and 1937-09-00)
  184. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1938-07-02)
  185. Mather, Lucy Ann (1938-08-28)
  186. Owen, Frederick R (between 1939-07-00 and 1939-09-00)
  187. Verity, Helena Isabel (1939-07-21)
  188. Addyman, William (1939-07-21)
  189. Gallagher, Margaret Ellen (between 1944-07-00 and 1944-09-00)
  190. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1947-01-09)
  191. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1947-01-09)
  192. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1948-05-20)
  193. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1948-12-06)
  194. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1950-06-19)
  195. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1950-06-19)
  196. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1952-12-20)
  197. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1953-10-10)
  198. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1956-06-08)
  199. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1956-06-08)
  200. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1956-08-18)
  201. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1956-10-20)
  202. Addyman, William Mills (between 1957-01-00 and 1957-03-00)
  203. Addyman, Joseph (1957-04-29)
  204. Addyman, John Hirst (1959-10-16)
  205. Spence, Sarah Helen (1959-10-16)
  206. Weatherell, Jane Welsh (1960-05-28)
  207. Addyman, Leslie Bentley (1960-05-28)
  208. Sumner, Gertrude Mary (1960-08-15)
  209. Addyman, Edward Alfred (1971-01-19)
  210. Addyman, Edward Alfred (1971-02-05)
  211. Clark, Richard Whitehead (between 1975-10-00 and 1975-12-00)
  212. Addyman, Stanley E (1984-12-03)
  213. Rutter, Marjorie Doris (1986-05-22)
  214. Addyman, Robert Anthony (1995-02-06)
  215. Wilson, Mary (between 1998-10-00 and 1998-12-00)
  216. Addyman, Helen Thirza Mary (2000-10-23)
  217. Bailey, Ivy (2009-02-23)
  218. Anderson, Marjorie (2010-02-12)